Hello, my name is Taylor. Most people call me “Tay” or “Tay Pay.” I am 23 years of age, and was born and raised in a small town here in N.D. I am attending Bismarck State College to get a degree in journalism and broadcasting.
My mom was a reporter for many years at KX, and I am hoping to follow in her footsteps with my own path in mind. I am excited for this new journey in my life, and I hope to make this my career one day. My long-term goal is to bring good, wholesome news to the media and bring back a little hope to this world. Did you know that 84% of Americans find the news depressing? That is what I am hoping to change.
Currently, I am working at KX News as a part-time assistant in production. So, for now, I am behind the camera, but I am loving every minute of it. In my “free time” (I never get any), I enjoy hanging out with my friends and my kitties. I also enjoy freelance writing in my downtime, and recently started my own blog. I just moved to Bismarck, so I am still working on the whole friend thing here, but I am confident this year will be awesome. I am looking forward to this year with everyone. Go Mystics!
-Taylor Paige
