In a world of wars, plagues and fires it is easy to see that people are losing hope. Depression stats are rising every day as the world mourns the loss of houses and animals in wildfires, pandemics tainting our reality and young children dying in wars.
It’s easy to focus on the negative when that’s all there is to see. Hate, anger and sadness are the new norm in our society. Why is it so easy for us to spread these feelings around to others? Hate is a plague of its own kind.

It takes a lot more energy to spread negativity to others than it does to spread kindness and love. Spreading positive feelings reduces stress and anxiety. Having a negative mindset can cause headaches, chest pains, depression and anxiety.
Not only does positivity serve self-love, but also spreads joy to others. Making someone smile is easy, yet we tend to stick to ourselves. It takes two seconds out of the day to tell someone they have a nice smile or complement their outfit. Almost all of the time, the person will respond with a gracious smile and a thank you.
On the opposite side of that spectrum, it’s also easy to spread feelings of hate. Often when someone is in a bad mood, the feeling of negativity transfers to others. It takes one second out of the day and one wrong comment to shift the tone of a whole room.
The truth is that life is beautifully sad. We don't know why we're here, but we do know that
we are only here for a temporary amount of time. The people who come into our lives and show us unconditional love and compassion—they’re the beauty of life. Life is too short to spread around feelings of hate and anger.